Chiropractic Services

Our chiropractic center in Brussels prides itself on providing the best care to its patients. Dr. Tine Jorgensen specializes in the best chiropractic treatments. We offer a variety of services aimed at optimizing your health. Below is a sample of the different chiropractic services we offer at our center in Brussels.

brussels chiropractic services

Our Services

We are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive services to meet the needs of adults, seniors, and pediatric patients. Dr Tine Jorgensen specialize in providing personalized chiropractic ncare, rehabilitative therapy and companion assistance.

back pain

Back Pain

Back pain can be one of the most debilitating problems, leading to stress, anxiety, and more back pain. Many people find themselves in this seemingly never-ending cycle …

pain shoulder

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder problems can be very challenging and for good reason. Just when progress is made the patient, through no fault of their own, does something to set themselves back …



I have seen many patients over the years who report migraines and headaches more than a few times per week and it’s surprising that so many of them say, ‘But that’s just me …



Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, commonly known as sciatica, can occur at all ages of life. But it is between 35 and 50 years that they are the most frequent. This is not a disease in itself …

Dizziness treatment pain

Tingling and Dizzness

Waking up with tingling – or ‘pins and needles’ – in the hands is not uncommon and the condition often disappears within an hour or so. For some however, this sensation is persistent …

sports injuries

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are frustrating because they can stop you from doing the things you really enjoy. People feel that they lose that competitive edge through no fault of their own …


Experienced Chiropractror

Chiropractor in Brussels with more than 36 years of experience


Professional Chiropractor

Your treatment will be performed by a professional chiropractor


Communicate with doctors

If necessary, we will work closely with the doctors who monitor your health


The best Personal Treatment

You will receive a complete individual treatment


Comfortable Center

Our center in Brussels has the best advanced chiropractictools and techniques for patient comfort


Treatment Goals

Setting goals when consulting is the best way to enjoy a successful chiropractic result


Your Health Starts Here

Flexible appointments and urgent care

Due to the abuse of many cancellations, we inform you that any appointment not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance will be charged in its entirety as compensation for prejudice suffered. Please understand that this space could have been assigned to another patient or an emergency. Thank you for your understanding.

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