04 77 62 90 62

The price of Chiropratique Treatment

(There is no bancontact in the cabinet )



Additional Information

We are a paying center, which means that we collect payment at the time of service ( You can pay cash or pay with your smartphone). After each session, we give a receipt to our patients so that people interested in a refund can submit it independently to their mutual.

Belgium mutuality

In Belgium, health insurers reimburse part of the Chiropractic consultations, for people who have complementary health insurance through their employer, reimbursements of up to 80%.

In the subscription to mutuality in Belgium, in principle, you are entitled to 5 reimbursements in the year, of an amount between 10 to 12.5 €. As these conditions vary.

The patient can request intervention from his mutual insurance company to be reimbursed for part of the costs related to chiropractic care. contact your mutual fund to find out which costs the patient will pay and which will be reimbursed to you.

No prescription is required.

Exception: For patients of the European institutions, NATO and the European Parliament: a prescription from their doctor is necessary. They have the right to 24 sessions per calendar year.

For more information, please contact your us.

A list of chiropractors approved by health insurers is provided by the Belgian Union of Chiropractors on their website.

I am a member of the Belgian Chiropractic Union and the European chiropractic Association.

Your Health Starts Here

Flexible appointments and urgent care

Due to the abuse of many cancellations, we inform you that any appointment not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance will be charged in its entirety as compensation for prejudice suffered. Please understand that this space could have been assigned to another patient or an emergency. Thank you for your understanding.

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